In the Library

Welcome to my library! This is where books, blogs, and magazines I recommend will be listed as well as why I recommend them.

Our eyes are important. What we see can be imprinted on our mind forever. It's important that we filter what's coming into our mind through our eyes.

The following are thought-provoking reads that are not only inspiring, but powerful...

Title: Undaunted
By: Christine Caine
Why: It's amazing. Christine tells her life story in an engaging manner, then goes forth to explain how God takes our weaknesses and past to help others in their battles.
For those who: struggle with fear, identity, loneliness, confusion, doubt. This is a must read. It's inspiring.

Title: Sons and Daughters
By: Brady Boyd
Why: A great book with many stories and analogies that are easy to understand and relate to. It's a coming from a place of brokenness to accepting our potential as God's sons and daughters!
For those who: struggle with identity, bondage, sin. Okay, also a must read. Great things happen. (breakthrough! :D)

Title: Girls With Swords
By: Lisa Bevere
Why: I'm not finished with this one yet, but it's amazing. It's all about God's daughters being equipped with His Sword (God's Word) and preparing to go to war. Also, lots of references to Lord of the Rings and the Avengers, jus' saying.

Title: Crown of Beauty Magazine
By: Various awesome ladies!
Why: An encouraging and powerful magazine for young ladies. Topics range from God, boys, love, identity, beauty tips, fashion, celebrities, music, and more. I've only just started reading it, but it's unique!

Title: setapartgirl Magazine
Founder: Leslie Ludy
Why: Another awesome magazine for women. I haven't looked into it a whole lot yet, but I'm looking forward to it!

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