It's obvious since the beginning of time that humans are in need of other human companionship. We need to fellowship and have others around. It's a fact of life.
I know some of you introverts are shaking your heads, but the truth is, as Christians, we need people. Like I said earlier, we need to fellowship with other believers in order to grow. {Proverbs 27:17}
And then there's this very human thing called loneliness. I'm sure at some point in your life you've felt this loneliness. It's not a fun feeling. In fact, it can very scary thinking you are alone.
One of the dictionary definitions of loneliness is: isolated
When I think isolated, I think of somebody who is wrapped in chains, by themselves, with nobody to hear them cry out for help. They are stuck in a deep, dark dungeon.
So...do you think you're alone?
I have news for you, dear. You're not!
Believe me, I know how incredibly easy it is to feel lonely in a world so crazy and big as this, but this loneliness that often tries to knock me down? It's a lie.
Let's start here:
1. The enemy of our souls wants to destroy us by whatever means necessary, aye? {John 10:10} He doesn't want us to flourish in our walk with God, he doesn't want us to be Lights and speak Truth. He wants to decimate us.
And one of his greatest weapons against humankind is the mirage of loneliness.
Make the Christian (son or daughter of the MOST HIGH GOD) think they're lonely (isolated)...BOOM! Easier victory for him.
But this isolation is a lie. It's a mirage.
Do you know why?
1. God told us that He would never leave or forsake us. Not only that, but He told us to be strong & have courage! Woah! He commands us of these things...so that must mean that through Him we can do it. {Joshua 1:5}
If that's not enough, here's more proof that we're never alone:
2. God gives us the Holy Spirit as a counselor, a friend, a helper...we have a part of God living in us. How crazy awesome is that? The Holy Spirit is our own connection to Abba God as his royal sons and daughters. And the Holy Spirit directs us, helping us along the path if we let Him. {John 14:15-20;26-27}
3. Not only does He never leave us, and does He give us the Holy Spirit, but God "places the lonely in families". {Psalm 68:6}
Now this doesn't mean you have to be an orphan who doesn't have a mom or dad. This means you might just be lonely, you might not have family around, you might not have friends around. Maybe you just moved off to college and you don't know what in the world you're doing. This verse is talking about anybody who is lonely.
God surrounds these people, us, with community--a church family to support, welcome, and encourage. Friends who do the same. God looks after us. We're His kids, y'all. And He loves us eternally. He knows we need human interaction to help us along the way and He provides.
There is proof all throughout God's Word that He never leaves us. We don't have to fear...because our Savior and Author of all creation and life is by our side, holding our hand.
If you are often overcome by loneliness, I'd encourage you to read the verses that I referenced in this post. I'd also encourage you to conduct your own study of God's living, powerful Word and see for yourself that He never leaves.
Know that loneliness is a lie. Whenever we feel it creeping in, turn to Jesus and talk to Him. Tell Him what you're feeling. Read His Word. Listen to worship music.
Ignoring it or occupying yourself elsewhere is not going to fix the problem.
But facing it head on and declaring victory over it in Jesus' name is a sure way to defeat that tactic of the enemy.
For Christus Victor! Christ is Victorious! He has defeated everything. So, why then, do we let ourselves live in the defeated?
Let us live in Freedom as God's Light and Truth shines upon our minds and hearts.
God Bless!
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